Battle of the Bulge

Battle of the BulgeThe Battle of the Bulge (also known as the Ardennes Offensive and the Von Rundstedt Offensive to the Germans) (16 December 1944 – 25 January 1945) was a major German offensive (die Ardennenoffensive), launched toward the end of World War II through the densely forested Ardennes mountain region of Wallonia in Belgium, and France and Luxembourg on the Western Front. The Wehrmacht‘s code name for the offensive was Unternehmen Wacht am Rhein (“Operation Watch on the Rhine“), after the German patriotic hymn Die Wacht am Rhein. The French name for the operation is Bataille des Ardennes.

More on Wikipedia

Battle of the Bulge - Map of operations

Media coverage:

It’s been taken quite successfully on the big screen in 1965, in the eponym movie “Battle of the Bulge“, starring Henri Fonda and Robert Ryan.

There are also a variety of documentaries closely dealing with it:

Paperback Games:

Now, regarding games covering this campaign, we are probably going to break records here, just to highlight top titles:

I’d like also to mention the rather unique and still unmatched Panzer Leader.

Digital games:

We could of course mention the Panzer General series as well as Panzer-korp, which are both covering this battle as part of their Western Europe campains.

2 thoughts on “Battle of the Bulge

  1. Pingback: PocketTactics: Battle of the Bulge announced | The Australian Wargamer

  2. Pingback: What I Am Watching Tonight–Documentary on the Battle of the Bulge

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